Friday, October 8, 2010

Mel Gibson, You Really Blew It.

Once upon a time, there was a version of Mel Gibson that I liked. Let's call this the Braveheart Era. In this golden age, Mel played riveting characters like William Wallace, which left me sobbing and forced me to retreat to my computer room where I decided I would name my first born child, male or female, William Wallace. Shortly after this eponymous fit, I won the evil level of Snood for the first time ever. This was surely a sign from God that Mel and I had something real.

Then Mel started directing films like "The Passion of the Christ" and "Apocalypto". I sort of liked both movies and ignored the fact that he was an anti-semite because I didn't have to tell me how I should feel on the matter. 

Around this time, my favorite Mel Gibson of all emerged: the wasted one. First off, I loved the mugshot from the DWI incident and I really ate up the fact that he called a female police officer "sugartits". God, I thought that was just about the funniest thing to ever happen and I figured that's a pretty good drunk personality to have if you're gonna have an inebriated alter-ego. Also, this episode inspired me to call my friend Jen "Sugartits"and I think that's a sweet nickname for someone close to you to have. 

Then it went downhill and I can't recall the particulars. More drinking. Blah. Divorce. Blah. Russian fetus-of-a-girlfriend. Blah. Baby Momma. Blah. THEN...he beat her up and made scary phone calls to her and now I can barely laugh at the sugartits incident. This is not to say that Jen loses her moniker. She doesn't. 
The Sugartits Mugshot

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