Sunday, October 23, 2011

Soused Muskrats in the Boogie Down?!

Lillie!!! Jensen!!! Moi!!!
I spent yesterday strolling throughout the Bronx Botanical Gardens. I'm ashamed to say that it was my first visit to the majestic locale, even though I attended college a stone's throw away from it. Here's a list of sweet things you might find if you decide to go too:

  • A zombie carved into a 2,000 pound pumpkin
  • Beautiful, deadly berries that I licked; don't worry, the poison will kill my germs. 
  • The rosiest roses ever!
  • Fun kids that like to roll down steep hills (Jen and I partook as well!)
  • Lotuses galore
  • A cafe with fair prices and fresh eats; I heard the pickles weren't good, though. 
  • Big trees
  • Squirrels, in varying hues
  • Poisoned muskrats
OK, the last bullet-point needs clarification. Let me set the scene for you.

I'm walking near a small stream and I spot what I think is a beaver. I run to it because I'm stupid. My friends run to it too because they are fearless. Said animal is NOT a beaver, it's a muskrat. That became clear once its creepy tail sidled out. Well, this muskrat was smashed and he didn't even realize that we were so near. He was hungry too. He was eating a TON of grass. Sometimes I get like that when I drink. Then, the muskrat was on to us, but he was too hammered to walk straight. He kept rolling over. What a lush?! 

Now I'm going to tell you the sad truth. This muskrat was poisoned (some angry strangers told us that, after calling us insensitive). I hope that muskrat gets better, but I also hope he lays off the Snake Juice...

Zombie Permpkin in Progress

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