Friday, September 24, 2010

Irrational Fear Number Two

This is real and you should be scared.
Last night I watched a documentary of sorts on the Discovery Channel. It was called "The Pig Bomb" and it revealed that wild pigs are basically taking over the United States and we need to kill 7 out of every 10 creatures in order to halt their booming numbers.

As someone who loves bacon, I didn't feel very threatened UNTIL I saw that these beasts are mammoth - I'm talking swine weighing over 1,000 pounds. That is just ridiculous. Let's confound this already unbelievable detail with the fact that these pigs are aggressive and deadly. They've got sheer force and crazy tusks to go with it.

I'm never going anywhere without a Pit Bull and a rifle...and I hate guns.

1 comment:

  1. I saw that last night too! I couldnt watch it. The name freaked me out. I pictured someone throwing a pig with a bomb in its stomach through my window, molotov cocktail style, and it blowing my house up.
