Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Trouble With Rubberneckers

If you've ever lived on Long Island, you know damn well how bad traffic can get at times. You probably also know that traffic is unavoidable at certain points of the day and/or on specific roadways. If you commute to work, you're acutely aware that you need to leave your home at a given hour, or you will be late for work;  moreover, you know that when the day is done, you will sit in traffic.

Honestly, there is nothing worse than ending a grueling day by sitting in traffic. You're tired, cranky, hungry, and just want to get to where you live, but you can't get there in a reasonable amount of time because of construction, heavy volume, or an accident. Let's be realistic - no one wants to be involved in an accident, but how about we start taking ourselves out of the accident equation by ending our rubbernecking. Really. Just stop looking.

When an accident occurs, there's usually not much to see or, if there is, you shouldn't want to see it. I always say that I would be humiliated, offended, or saddened if a bunch of strangers watched my mangled body be extracted from a collapsed automobile. Conversely, I wouldn't want anyone looking at any of my loved ones who happened to be injured or, god-forbid, killed in a car-wreck. What can you possibly derive from looking at an accident scene?

Even if you are some morbid freak (this is where I admit that I am), stop slowing down traffic! Go look at some gore on the Internet and let me get home a little faster.

These rubberneckers are the same breed of people who get up from their beach chairs when they notice someone is drowning.

For God's sake, give the drowning victim some privacy! Imagine how they're going to feel if they survive and a bunch of schmucks are standing half-naked on the shore watching them, probably hoping that it's too late for CPR.

People- keep your pedal steady and your eyes straight while driving and keep reading your trashy beach novel.


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