Monday, September 6, 2010

Today is Labor Day...

...and tomorrow begins a new school year. As I tell my students, each new year is a chance to reinvent yourself because students and teachers forgive and forget over the summer months. This year I'm going to allow myself to be more clever, more strange, and more prepared - the essential ingredients for a great teacher. Though I didn't expect to be on this road again, I plan on letting myself enjoy the scenery and perhaps settling on this road if it feels right.

So it's farewell to summer and the last of my errands will be run today. A restful sleep will be impossible this night as I second-guess everything I've created thus far. I'll have a dream about being unprepared and probably wake up far too early. I'll try to occupy the extra time in the morning by reading Perez Hilton and carefully applying my face and doing my hair. I'll make myself breakfast, which I won't eat and I'll hit the road way ahead of schedule. Nothing can prepare you for the 100+ new students you're going to meet. You've heard rumors and intimations about what the upcoming freshman class is like - but I usually don't agree with peoples' opinions about people so it's a useless barometer that's being used.

Tomorrow I will sweat in my classroom and collapse on the floor when I get home, only to do it again the next day. Good thing us "damn teachers have it made" because we have off Thursday and Friday for the Jewish holidays.

What non-teachers don't know is that teachers need off every day they're given. I swear to you that if you're doing a good job, you need every single day they give you to recuperate. I made no plans for this summer and didn't do much because I was still coming down from the previous year and prepping myself for the upcoming one. When school is in full swing, Friday nights are for sleeping; Saturdays and for chores; and Sundays are for planning and worrying about the upcoming week. I promise that teachers that try aren't getting away with a thing.

Wish me luck and give a teacher a hug!

Last day of last year

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