Friday, August 6, 2010

Arcade Fire & Anxiety Attacks

At twenty-five, I have a bevy of neuroses and maladies that are commonly reserved for the elderly or criminally insane. Going into Manhattan exacerbates all these charming characteristics and though I can get to the city with ease, navigate its streets, and nimbly pass through crowds, I hate it. The smells make me sick, the people make me nervous, and the heat rising from the streets cause me dizziness; however, going to eat at Le Pain Quotidian, shaking Matt Pinfield's hand, and witnessing musical greats, Arcade Fire, was worth the exhaustion.

The opening band for Spoon was interesting. I say this because I have no idea who they were - I was trying to figure out how to insert earplugs because the Jay-Z show at MSG gave me vertigo, or so my boyfriend says. Nonetheless, I was dizzy for weeks after that show and I just couldn't risk it.

Spoon was interesting too. They were interesting because the pseudo-hippie-chick next to me was talking about her psychic and moving in that trite way hippies did in earlier decades. Get some new moves, girl. I was still trying to figure out my earplugs, too. I also kept taking "bathroom breaks" to get away from the noise and crowd when Danny's absolutely lovely best friend, whom I'd met minutes earlier, found me clutching the wall of the corridor near the food court. No joke. I tried to play it cool, but there's no way you can at that point.

Then I had a beer and I was feeling better because it was a Heineken Light. We all went back to our seats and Arcade Fire came on. There were 17,000 band members and each one was equally awesome. They were freaking electric and before I knew it, I was singing and dancing and having the time of my life with my fantastic boyfriend at his first MSG concert!

From Arcade Fire I got the feeling that they loved their music, their art, each other, and performing. Their energy was so contagious and, paired with their talent, they put on one of the best shows I've ever seen - not to toot my own horn, but I've seen a lot of good shows from legendary artists and they trumped nearly all of them.

Thanks you Canada for Arcade Fire and Ryan Reynolds. For reals.

Click here to watch a video of Arcade Fire playing with David Bowie!

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