Thursday, August 12, 2010

Platonic Beer Goggles

(The picture at left was taken by yours truly on a fine day in Fort Greene Park when I was dangerously hungover and waiting for a friend, who shall remain nameless, to emerge from the nearby hospital where he/she was being treated for hitting a cab.)

It's before 9AM and already I've accomplished more than I usually do in an entire day. I've changed the sheets, made the bed, done laundry, vacuumed, wiped down all countertops, and organized the work stuff that has been in the trunk of my car since the last day of school.

Now I blog, but about what?

I know! Let me ruminate on how weird I am when I drink.

In the dark (or light?) days of going drinking five to seven nights a week, I sought to accumulate friends. Mornings after a "good night out" I heard echoes of myself saying things not at all unlike, "I'm not just saying this because I'm drunk, but you're such an ahhhhhhhmahhhhhhzing person and tomorrow we should really do something fun, like go pumpkin picking." Oh. Yeah. First of all, if not for facebook, I would not know ANYTHING about the aforementioned schmuck and the only way I'd be able to locate said person's number would be to do an alphabetical search by bar name in my phone. Moreover, I'm going to be hungover tomorrow, so the only thing I'm going to want to do is watch TBS and eat a Kimchi noodle bowl at around 7PM. Puhlease.

Drinking makes me like crappy people, which is why I should drink when I'm in a large crowd.


  1. i think you said that exact thing to me while drinking. thanks helen

  2. HAHA pumpkin picking. Ridiculous.

  3. that photo brings back memories.

  4. @Venez - You are a real friend, not a bar friend.
    @Craig - Want to go pumpkin picking?
    @Bejus - Does a bejus make a noise if it hits the cab first?
