Friday, August 27, 2010

The Persistent Shoulder Nipple

"I have the worst case of shoulder nipple right now." - Lauren Knaffo via text message 8.27.10 @ 9:15am

If you don't think you know what shoulder nipple is, you're wrong. You may even be experiencing it right now. Look down at your left shoulder. Anything? Look down at your right shoulder. How about now?

Well, you may be in the clear because you're sleeveless, but if it were winter, I'd bet a lot more of you would have it - the little protrusion in your garment caused by cheap hangers and/or a careless hanging job.

The trouble with shoulder nipple is that it's hard to remove. If you have enough time to re-wash the item, you're in the clear for sure; if you have some time, steaming or ironing might lessen the bulge; but if you leave the house without realizing the bump, you're in trouble - no amount of smoothing will help you. Shoulder nipples are resilient.

I beseech all of you to scan your closets for delicate fabrics on chintzy hangers at your earliest convenience.

No one is going to mistake your shoulder nipple for Jiminy Cricket.

An Actual Shoulder Nipple

Lots of Shoulder Nipples on Me

Or You Could Buy This

1 comment:

  1. My name is brenda and I am currently experiencing shoulder nipple in conjunction with static cling and its really enough to make me go insane. I've contemplated harming myself. Is there a hotline I can call for some support?

    Slowly dying,
    A forsaken fashionista
