Tuesday, August 31, 2010

PT Cruiser

Yesterday I was walking to my car when I noticed a PT Cruiser headed in my direction. I slowed my pace because I always find the drivers of said vehicle to be very peculiar. The man driving this unusual car had his windows down and was basically hanging out of it, which can mean one thing - he is a pervert.

You know those kind of men, they usually drive white vans, but occasionally step out in a non-industrial ride. They don't seem to have any place to go - they just follow the wind in order to find women walking so they can yell strange things at them.

I wondered what this PT Crusin' degenerate had to say to me. I made it onto the curb. I walked with my head straight. He leaned further out of his window. Just as he was out of my view, he exclaimed, "Nice toes!"

Nice toes? Really?

I mean, they are nice and currently painted cherry red, so I get it; however, I was wearing a spandex-like dress and thought he would scream about my derriere. Nope. I got a foot-freak and I've never understood foot fetishes.


1 comment:

  1. Sad but true. What was once (very briefly) thought of as a fun novelty car is now just a perv-mobile
